The other big highlight this weekend was hitting up the Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Holiday Sale. Amber, Sciarrino and I have been planning for this event for months. It is by far the best and largest craft fair I've ever been to. Packed full of Etsy-like vendors it is pure heaven. We arrived extra early to be sure we were one of the first 150 through the door, only to find we were not alone! I guess those special loot bags for the early birds appealed to more than just us. But we scored them, and it was worth it! I did a great deal of Christmas shopping, and found some beautiful art for our place. It's so exciting and very fulfilling to actually meet the artists behind the art you love and swoon.
Katie and Amber waiting to get through the door!
We went nuts at Magpie Ethel, a whole booth filled with vintage Christmas Ornaments
Awesome screen prints by Craft Svcs Design Co
Sewing Kits by Polly Danger
Portland inspired Bingo cards, which include identifing, beards, Subarus, nudie bars, and bicycles to name a few designed by Bishop Lennon.
Not only is Cristine Aucone the sweetest but the jewlery she creates, Modica Design, is beautiful. I dare say I spent lots of time at this booth!
Adorable bird houses designed by both teachers and students from the Portland Waldorf School.
Sciarrino channeled her inner Mad Men when trying on this gorgeous vintage number at the Wanderlust Mobile Shop.
We did not go home empty handed, in fact I'm pretty sure Amber will be pulling her rolling cart next year. Oh and see that cute forest green bag... that was our loot bag. Packed full of little goodies. For more pics go to my Picasa page.
Seriously so much fun! That was one of my best days this year for sure! I am totally going to be that girl pulling the cart next year and I don't even care, so much good stuff!