Monday, October 11, 2010

The Dirty, Dirty Truth

Okay ladies and gents. Prepare yourself because I have a true confession...this is how Erik and I have been living for the past two weeks!

Can you say disaster? Yikes, I look at these pictures and think "no wonder I wasn't sleeping well!"  I'm a big believer that your bedroom is your sanctuary: a place where the ultimate calm should await you.  No computers in bed, no TV on the night stand, and neat and tidy = pleasant dreams.  This has not been the case lately! And this past Friday I dedicated 6 hours to dusting, scrubbing, recycling old magazines, and paring down the closests! Check it out.

I'm thinking about new bedding. But I just can't find something that catches my eye. Got any suggestions? much better. A couple of thoughts if you plan on a big bedroom clean.  Donate old magazines to your local gym, and donate clothes to a WIN (Women's in Need) program. Clean room and clean karma.



    has some great options!

  2. Thanks! I love those, oh the ruffles are endless! I was also eye-balling some very cute and reasonably priced rugs, did you see those?
