Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend Re-cap

What a great weekend. My dear friend Teri invited a bunch of friends (Allie, Amanda, Jodi, Jillian, Lindsay and I) over for a day of brunching and crafting. Teri whipped up some amazing German pancakes and Jodi brought the mimosa's...the spread was dee-lish! Most spent the afternoon working on fun crafting projects...mainly baby shower gifts. I, however, spent the afternoon introducing some friends to the art of sewing. I had a great time with some great company. 

Teri, the German Pancake chef

Jodi and Brutus un-corking the champagne

Catching up over coffee and goofiness


Allie's goal for the day was to revisit every Martha Stewart Magazine and plan for her new craft room

Jodi's first adventure with a sewing machine

Amanda's first sewing project!

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